ACU Arts Precinct
Australian Catholic University
St Patricks Campus, Fitzroy, Melbourne

Harmer Architecture has completed a number of projects for the School of Arts for Australian Catholic University in Fitzroy, which includes offices space for academic staff for the School of Arts at 34 – 36 Brunswick Street, a visual arts studio and gallery space at 3 Graham Street, and a digital media studio at 38 – 40 Brunswick Street.
The School of Arts teaches eight dedicated programs, as well as combined-degree programs with every other Faculty. Over 1200 students access arts programs on the St. Patrick’s campus, Fitzroy.
The design preserves and enhances the historic streetscape of Brunswick Street and the new landscaped open courtyard is the centre of the precinct which links the four properties and the main campus for staff and students.
Images by Trevor Mein
This project for the Australian Catholic University involved the conversion of and addition to three historic buildings in Brunswick Street, Fitzroy.
Completed in 2012, the building at 34 - 36 Brunswick Street was first envisage as the Early Childhood Education Centre with spaces for academic staff as well as a collaborative learning space for early childhood studies that connects with an outdoor area.
The offices of the Associate-Vice-Chancellor occupy one of the upgraded existing buildings at 32 Brunswick Street.
In 2016, Harmer Architecture was commissioned by ACU to re-purpose the previously Early Childhood Education Centre building for the School of Arts as a part of developing the complex into an Arts Precinct for the university.
The latest addition to the arts precinct is the Digital Media Studio on 38-40 Brunswick Street. This building is listed on the Victorian Heritage register and has been converted into a new teaching facility for the Bachelor of Digital Media program.
Harmer Architecture was commissioned to refurbish an existing building at 3 Graham Street for the School of Arts into a visual arts studio. The brief was to provide a new facility which are flexible for use as a teaching space for visual arts and a gallery, an external workshop area, and a post-graduate workspace and lounge area.

School of Arts

Digital Media Studio

Visual Arts Studio