Corandirk Hostel Supported Care
Corandirk Hostel
Ascot Vale, Melbourne
Harmer Architecture was commissioned by the management board of Corandirk Hostel for the frail aged to prepare a masterplan and subsequent upgrade works to the 30 bed hostel in Maribyrnong Rd Ascot Vale.
Key stakeholders included representatives from Uniting Care Community Services (now Connections), the Corandirk board, operational staff and the local Uniting Church of Australia Parish.
The upgrade project identified in the masterplan comprised the following key elements:
Converting the adjacent Edwardian home into six new hostel bedrooms with 3 shared bathrooms and a staff room.
Linking the adjacent house to the hostel and expanding the hostel dining area / day room
Minor compliance upgrades to the hostel and kitchen refurbishment
External landscaping.
The hostel is now privately operated and offers permanent stay, temporary stay or places for respite or convalescence for up to 40 residents