Monash Peninsula Student Hub
Monash University
Peninsula Campus, Frankston, Melbourne

This project is the new Student Hub of the Peninsula Campus of Monash University in Frankston.
The Ground and First Floor Level of Building A have been reconfigured to provide the new Hub which includes spaces for hospitality, Retail Areas, Student Services and Informal Study Areas for students along with Back of House Staff Workspace. The new Ground Level Café and Student Lounge spaces double as overflow from the adjacent George Jenkins Theatre.
Aligning with campus masterplan strategies, the Hub is a pivotal point of arrival at the North End of the Campus and provides an internal circulation route from this enhanced entry to the central campus open landscaped space onto which key facilities such as the Library face.
The new internal route transits from the Campus “valley” forming a “hillside” internal link to the central open space, the “plateau”, which is two floor levels above the Campus Entrance Valley.
Interior student areas on the First Floor are designed to capture tree top views of the valley landscape to the East, whilst the new Ground Floor Café links to a new Public Terrace that doubles as a landscaped outdoor overflow space for visitors to the 420-seat Theatre.
The interior design of the Hub creates a variety of seating configurations for students to study in groups and alone, interact socially and meet with teaching staff.
The new Monash Connect Pods are designed as informal, flexible and open places for staff to meet students and parents, rather than the traditional model of service counters that create formal barriers to consultation and information exchange.
Images by Marty Turnbull, Ding Yu and Gallant Lee
Client Testimonial
“Daniel Bright of Harmer Architecture was the project architect on the Student Hub project. The project was a fully documented, traditional lump sum contract delivery method. It required a good level of documentation and an architect with the ability to work with the Head Contractor to resolve details and manage variations. Daniel did all of this and brought a sense of humour, professionalism and great experience to the project. He was respected by the team. I look forward to working with Daniel and Phil again soon”.
Nick Ditterich | Project Manager, Monash University