Brind Niche Walls
Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust
Springvale Botanical Cemetery

The Brind Walls provide 7760 niches for cremated remains; each interment memorialised with a brass plaque. The walls form a screen to the maintenance compound to the north and provide a defining edge to the Brind memorial lawns.
The 102m long main wall consists of loosely arranged smaller walls inclined to each other at varying angles, creating a pathway between the streets at each end of the site. Four walls radiate at perpendicular angles to the main wall utilising the pre-existing open lawn space.
The angles and lengths of the path and southern roof edge vary contrasting with the regularity of the walls, enabling the new structure to integrate into the landscape.
The walls are constructed of ceramic glazed bricks in two greens. The roof is stainless steel spandek with translucent fibreglass sheeting providing diffuse light to the south facing pathways.
Images by Trevor Mein