Tarneit Library
Unbuilt Project
Wyndham City

Harmer Architecture was invited by Wyndham City Council to prepare a concept design for a library in Tarneit as part of a limited entry design competition. Our concept for a centre of learning, recreation and culture for Tarneit library is that the building will look like a miniature city, a city of learning, recreation and culture.
This city of learning expresses the varying functions of the library as radiating out from a central core which will be a central circular two storey space at the heart of which is located the service desk.
Our aim is to create an inspiring and friendly interior where people can see everything that is going on, and where active spaces are carefully separated from quiet spaces, a place for people to study, interact and relax.
The Harmer Architecture design concept for Tarneit Library proposes a variety of spaces together with landscaped courtyards that create an inspiring new community facility with exciting spaces for social and community engagement.